We can use this "gift" of time, as a golden opportunity.
We can use this "gift" of time, as a golden opportunity.
Signed in as:
This Membership Site is only for those FEW? who are willing to seize this crisis, as OPPORTUNITY! An opportunity to invest in our future by taking the Personal RESPONSIBILITY to RE-EDUCATE ourselves! .. in new Career Building, Resource Management, Societal Health, and our most important RESOURCE .. our Personal Health.
"Stop and smell the roses". We were always too rushed to pay attention to anything before! Now that we do not have as experiences available, practise stopping to just appreciate everyday beauty. We always forget to appreciate things, until it is too late. BREATHE and Appreciate!
We can calm our mind. Maybe you could leave this soothing "Gift of Calm" Art video ON, in an open window .. and read the website in another different window? OR use it FULL SCREEN on your Smart TV, Roku, or Apple TV?
We have long forgotten the many OTHER resources that are available to us today! The DOLLAR is NOT everything! Plus we think the only way to get money, is to trade TIME for it. We think we need to be forever begging for a job. Let's try a different way. Go here if you need to make money SOON, study!
Now we have extra unexpected TIME, but we don't know what to do with it. We are probably wasting it on silly videos, or memes, or people just competing to win "best" creatively. Are you still part of that Competitive Culture that so many are enmeshed in? Competition is STRESSFUL! Do not compete for the coolest, latest, best. Work to make YOUR life better. This is an excellent Resource for building income!
Let's INVEST our time into fixing BIG broken things! Let's take some responsibility for a collapsing Society and Take back PERSONAL Responsibility. Let's get disciplined and create change. (Since this writing ? in April 2020, protestors have surely begun to do that with "Black Lives Matter " and Systemic Racism! added Oct 2020).
But let's take it even bigger .. let's work to fix the ever widening (Have / Have not) divide. What we considered "middle class" before, is GONE for most of us now! Sorry .. but even I am resentful of the now SIMPLE luxuries advertised, that my Gen X kids will never have. The house and picket fence are gone for most of us! Hell, if we decide to deliver food to control our own work day .. that is now even gone!! .. with nonsense little robots delivering. Told you! We really are too stupid to live. (Whoops I think ZOMBIFICATION is on my other website, see mid page.) We think NOTHING whatever of consequences! Sure restaurant, you now have your own delivery means, but those PEOPLE who delivered to EARN, can no longer afford to buy your food!
We gave up Personal Responsibility long ago. We figured University would educate us, especially with paying so much Tuition! We expected Corporations would give us jobs, and "search" would give us ongoing knowledge (intelligence??) Were we wrong on every count? (I knew Google seemed terrible and now there is a Law Suit re their burying REAL content behind so many ADS!) And .. with search, all we really did is learn to divide ourselves in every imaginable way! "I'm special" became the rallying cry for Societal division. Finding our group, separated us, made us think only differences, instead of focusing on our human sameness. Maybe now we will remember that "WE" is far more important than "ME". "We" make up Society and if most of us live in anxiety and insecurity .. Societal HEALTH will collapse. Nobody listened to the Thinkers, only Action minds were celebrated for their "success" with profits. Got us to a great place!
What good is ME being wealthy, when many places I go, I have people begging and even homeless to feel guilt over? Is that any "quality of life" for a thinking compassionate person? We ALL have to have basic success, for Society to have a good "quality of life". But not everyone is lucky enough to begin with "Basic Life Resources", like feelings of self worth, connection and belonging, faith and hope etc. This makes the road of life much harder. We did not "just not work hard enough, or really not try."! That is a great simplification, that avoids any responsibility for the Common Good. "Reverse World" will be a cooperative for people who put the Greater Good FIRST .. recognizing all deserve a base security of life.
We are all the same, we all want the SAME things in life. Have we forgotten Maslow? Instead .. Let's spend our time working together .. to FIX THINGS! We can! We can create our own jobs and trade resources amongst us. Why not use part of the time we were so short of before .. and invest it for our future advantage? Let's do "OCCUPY" on steroids, but where EVERYBODY wins. (A Blockchain Ledger can absolutely let us succeed in building a new more fair Society.)
Until this Subscription is done and edited, it is FREE. Use it to your advantage. It will be a very affordable Opportunity to benefit from. The only COST to you now, is giving up wasting time on silliness and COMPETITION on line. Stop wasting YOUR asset, YOUR valuable time!! If you think of it, hasn't everything in our life become competition? .. Instead of curiosity and contemplating new ideas, we compete on stupidity. Hey, if we all have no "job", and we just trade our skills together, it can actually be a better, kinder, nicer life? .. Nicer than our incessantly changing, Competitive (Digital Bullying?)world was. Why not use Digital as a TOOL, instead of life itself! Let's get creating a better way together.
It is time we get back to studying researched SCHOLARLY knowledge. We got so enamoured of the "Information Society" we forgot info is just a bunch of words or data. Maybe it is just some confident guy who has become an "INFLUENCER"? Yike! What is his expertise? Has he seriously studied this topic? Or .. is he just a louder mouth, good at being found on line? Sadly this is mostly where we get our "facts". But "Facts" can lie. Truth is many facts and they often CONFLICT. Truth takes work and no bias
In our Digital World confidence has become everything. Some People who actually research are called FAKE NEWS. Yes, the Media is half propaganda but someone spending their life on a certain area of expertise is surely more knowledgeable than "Ms Influencer". Yes, the media can be paid off to miscommunicate (just like the EVIL "Fat scam" that has still never been corrected. It is not FAT that destroys Health, but processed food full of sugar. Why else does it have like 54? names!)
We have TOTALLY forgotten to research who it is we are listening to!! Who is this person feeding us "info", connected to? What is their bias? What do they gain by misleading us? Critical analysis was lost when we fell in love with SEARCH! 95% of us look at only page ONE of google!! can you really BELIEVE that? Sorry guys, but to me that is proof of our TOTAL stupidity! That means Google controls our mind! (.. and they began with "don't be evil"? wow, nice!) Sorry there are 1000's of knowledgeable people out there, but we look at google's chosen or PAID 20?? Insanity, and I am as guilty as the world I call insane .. not good for Society at all, eh? That means even "Thinking minds" act stupidly. Sorry again guys .. but it is sugar, fried our brains! and I am NOT a crazy lady. Watch I will be proven 100% correct if we survive this global takeover. (Do you notice search now brings just OLD outdated references too?)
We badly need to get back to RE-search .. stop letting google control our mind! Your mind is made up of all the ideas you take in. Do you really want your brain controlled by Google? I suggest a person so fascinated and focused on writing a BOOK .. is more reliable than any random blog you find in "search". This web site you are reading gives you Authors who have spent their lives researching certain concepts they are fascinated by. I get nothing from recommending them. I just believe they are important? But you must RE learn Critical Thinking and can add to these website 's knowledge collection.
I hope Canadians will buy CANADIAN .. and NOT BUY FROM JEFF BEZOS! Indigo for Canadians, Barnes and Noble for Americans .. Amazon is a trillion $ company! We are going to keep our scarce money between us, no more giving it to the 1%! ( by using several transformative Systems that have been invented, our "Reverse World" Community will be positioned AHEAD of jeff's amazon .. on the Fortune 500 list of 202-4? We can dream, right? Your new Career, trading your skills for Personal Income .. is part of our Trillion $, B Corp PLUS Company. Just like McDonald's Franchisees make up a HUGE company. (Except you are an UN -Franchisee, without all the costs! ) Reverse World .. sorry .. this website too is INCOMPLETE.
Some of us are a little uncomfortable with Meditation. Do we think of budha or some yogi master somewhere? I KNOW it is awesome and has been used with great success for thousands of years. It just somehow feels unconfortable for me, and I imagine others? I recently finally discovered that it is just an awesome way to control my mind .. to keep it on track .. maybe just to appreciate beauty as I walk? Normally my mind is ALL OVER and I miss the beauty of where I am, and what is going on around me! My first walk really focusing on beauty and nature and people was awesome! That helped me get more comfortable to imagine I was "kind of" meditating?
Now I want to use that MIND CONTROL on actually finishing tasks for once! Try it. So far .. no success for me, of course. I get the Trophy for mind wandering .. but it is that which solves divergent problems. (Duality? a good and bad side to all things?) I spent years developing Art Turtle TV as "Meditation and Mindfulness for Dummies". I think there are a lot of us uncomfortable with meditation? .. so I hope it is helpful to you too. When it is raining or winter and we don't want to walk, the video can help slow us to breathe and focus.
Recently I fractured my knee and had to do Physio. Do you think I did the required exercise? If I actually did do them .. my brain was everywhere else, never focused on that knee. Rather strange for someone who would seriously rather be dead, than unable to walk half of Manhattan in a morning. I was completely uncoordinated doing those exercises! Could not even remember to count seconds to hold, PLUS # of repetitions! Once I realized I needed to bring my mind back to the (famous) "NOW"! .. I finally understood. First I will practise keeping my mind ONLY on Turtle TV and breathing, feeling grateful. Then I will transfer that FOCUS to those darn Physio exercises! I decided the universe sent me the accident to wake me up to focusing? I will get SOO much more done without a wandering mind! But it will still take DISCIPLINE. I hope this helps you too and we can support each other in our struggle. (HELP ME! wrote in March? now dec!)
Let's just call it "CONTROLLING OUR MIND", instead of Meditation or Mindfulness. What a resource it will be for us mind wanderers or those just uncomfortable with these things .. once we make it habit.
There are 3 choices with Covid 19. Listen to Italian deaths and be terrified we and our loved ones may die. What does that accomplish? a stomach ache? dizziness, headache? Stress not only destroys our Mental well being, but also our PHYSICAL HEALTH. You are taking the gift of time and turning it into NEGATIVE .. OR .. you can CHOOSE to focus positive. Don't waste this free time in panic or even just anxious. Instead .. Invest it in yourself and your future!
Having controlled your mind to NOW .. you can believe things will eventually get back to "normal" or even better. Maybe less insane and addicted to MORE. OR .. the 3rd choice of focus (1= back to normal, 2= even better) is to consider Quantum Physics. Many Authors feel different realities exist and we can actually choose our reality. Maybe we can CREATE a better world by focusing on that possibility? OR .. if you feel we have too long disrespected nature (god?) and this is a cleansing .. maybe focusing on (Heaven) makes you happy.
The Schumann Resonance and DR Joe Dispenza's relating it with Spirituality is interesting. The earth's resonance, the 7.83 mz (ohm) that has existed forever .. has speeded up greatly. (Certainly it feels TIME has speeded!) He speaks of us moving to a higher level of consciousness. If you have a creative mind .. why can't that mean we are nicer, kinder to each other. We quit with the "me first, screw you" self absorption we had arrived at. We return to an even more CIVIL Society than we had, that values truly important things .. vs MORE, faster, and easier. A Society where Citizens consider other's welfare before just their own. If we all focused on the greater good, would that not be a kind of heaven? I imagined with covid 19 that us old guys should just sacrifice ourselves! Others would become immune and life would go on WITHOUT destroying small Businesses and people's ability to pay rent and eat. Would that not be a more "conscious" world? Does it not seem we are all oblivious to each others needs? People walking don't even "social distance". Total oblivion! We now have the TIME to learn about all this NEW or not yet researched knowledge, new ideas and concepts to discover! Go beyond "search" and "info" to actual expertise and KNOWLEDGE!
.. a Golden OPPORTUNITY to imagine and create all manner of wonderful things to benefit us and our Society! Reverse World (incomplete site!)
Sorry, you will keep hearing BLOCKCHAIN .. so exciting because we can create our own "money"! We will only trade it with Fortune 500's that agree to be Certified as B CORP PLUS .. good, decent, FAIR, Companies willing to revise Capitalism. If our Turtle Community (reverse world) gets big like some crazy "influencers" we have pull. If we threaten we'll just be Mennonites then even Internet Providers and Mobile companies will want our business. We will have leverage over huge Corporations if we all get together. The old Labour union ON STEROIDS, but we don't need their jobs.
If we are kind, Karma says we will get 'kind' in return .. (maybe? "karma's a bitch" is nonsense! .. often mean people get it all, and nice people just get stepped on). Whatever can give us hope and peace, hang onto it now! If we forgot about praying, maybe we can go back to praying for others at this time?
INSTEAD OF BOREDOM .. INVEST THIS TIME for your future Well Being. Instead of feeling anxious, let's use this time to finally learn how to control our mind. If we bring our mind only into NOW, we have TIME, a Resource we can never get back later! If we invest in Total Health (or "job") research, this TIME is GOLDEN.
We go to a Doctor when we feel sick or uncomfortable. The Functional Medicine Revolution recognizes all of our bodies are unique. Just going to a Doctor, is lazy and incomplete. We each must learn what inflames sensitive areas we inherited. By investigating inflammation, and adjusting, we can control our OWN HEALTH.
Corporations must take more responsibility for a country's Citizen's well being! The era of Focusing on the asset of profit only, is gone. People were a forgotten ASSET. Now workers and consumers have to be considered. It's hard to focus on Personal Health, when one cannot pay the rent! People are our biggest ASSETS!
Projects are accomplished faster because your mind is not wasted worrying or feeling guilty! THE RESULT IS MORE SUCCESS AND MORE TIME LEFT OVER! A task is focused on and completed vs dragging on forever. Those of us a uncomfortable with the idea of MEDITATION, can now also utilize its benefits! Mind control is awesome .. when it is OUR OWN BRAIN AND MIND that is being controlled!
Recently after an injury, I realized I can NOT do physio exercises! .. ANY exercises or even dance routines. My mind is off wandering, I not only lose count, but also focusing on the muscle being strengthened! My mind is on the days projects and yelling at myself how slow I am to accomplish. That means I am in both the future AND the past ACCOMPLISHING NOTHING. Why did it take me until TOO OLD to finally understand this?? What a loss of life, and time! Time to succeed and accomplish good things, vs stuck on a never ending treadmill going nowhere!
If I SOLELY focus on the muscles being worked, the routine's movement, plus counting repetitions then the lost leg muscles will actually improve. Instead, I worry about the time "wasted" away from my desk .. or even yell at myself for my uncoordination. Finally I GET meditation! Don't waste your life like I have. Now we just have to DO the 99%. Finally Knowing is only 1%, but actually doing is 99%. (See Dr. Sachim Pattel). But maybe "getting it", truly understanding .. makes the ACTUALLY DOING .. 100% easier?
If I can control my mind, I can accomplish TRUE EXERCISING vs just a "a pretence waste of time."! But then I can use that same mind control to organize and actually FINISH a task. Like type up my website vs further escape into contemplation and reflection forever, never finishing. Don't lose your precious time, like many of us lose our entire life's time! Some of us only have a few years left. Catch on now.
Use the "Gift of Calm" Turtle TV below, to help you start the breathing and gratitude that begins mind dISCIPLINE. Taking control, bringing our brain into "the NOW". Once you feel comfortable with this beauty, then add it to real life anywhere. Stop to just breathe and appreciate not just beauty around you, but that you are existing in this beauty. No fear of the future or sadness about the past, just being in this moment NOW. Hopefully covid 19 will make us remember to appreciate things BEFORE we lose them. We were impatient and ungrateful. This forced learning is actually good for our future well being.
Focusing on these slow image details, helps us slow down and learn to actually breathe deeply. Then you can just use it as you seek beauty anywhere. No 5G needed. We can give up our phone and 100 APPS, and simplify our lives. Would that even be possible? Why not learn to use Digital as a Tool .. instead of a Total Addiction! "Phone Faced sheep ants" of Societal collapse was not a good term. (Reverse World .. incomplete)
Let's calm down, breathe and take back control of our mind.
Use the "gift of calm" soothing screen anytime to help you. Then we can do anything we set our mind to! This Total Health Membership will help you build your immunity to covid 20. It can reduce other Health discomforts and create a Healthy body more immune even to those problems you have inherited. It can even build the base for future well paid careers in Health Coaching or your own area of special interest. We have been ignoring all our Resources other than $. This can become an amazing life (world?) RESET .. back to a truly more normal way of living. We had become totally addicted to MORE .. faster and easier! We were "MORE, faster Addicts" and we never even noticed! "The Great RESET" will be a better quality of life!
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